In the following Overlord: Lord of Nazarick tier list we will show you the best characters to start the adventure with after the launch of the global server. Choosing the right units will make your start in the game easier and can mean the difference between victory or defeat. Through this list, you will receive information that will help you choose which characters you want or need in your team.
Overlord: Lord of Nazareth Tier List

Tier SS:
- Shalltear [Valkyrie]: An irreplaceable piece in almost any team due to the lack of Platinum Dragon Lord’s Armor. With a great protective ability for the whole group, his damage reduction and reactive ability, he is able to survive large waves of damage, maintaining the survival of our team.
- Evileye: The best mage in the game by far since the beginning of the game. Both his single-target and AoE power is worthy of being one of our first priorities. It is useful from the beginning of the game and ends up exploding when it reaches its maximum level. It is possible to use it with a large number of compositions and it is useful in all game modes, whether solo maps, dungeons or arena.
- Renner: The best healer at the moment. All her skills are focused on healing. As long as she is in your team there is no option to fall defeated in early stages of the game, being very difficult to defeat her.
- Albedo (Raven): One of the most powerful PvP units available at the moment. She has a shield with counterattack while her basic attack reduces the opponent’s attack, besides adding shields to the rest of her teammates. His provoke effect is only useful in PvP, making him a very annoying character.
- Platinum Dragon Lord’s Armor: The strongest knight of the version. As long as his main shield doesn’t break, no one on the team will die with either active or EX skills.
- Shalltear Fictional Idol: The mage with the highest damage and area damage capacity in the game. She is capable of destroying entire groups by herself at the start of combat.
- Mare Ego Seeker: The best dispeller in the game. It is able to purify the whole group while healing them and granting shields. It also provides a defensive buff to the whole team when attacking, being a great option.
Tier S:
- Shalltear: Not as strong as its other version but still an interesting unit, with the added bonus of being free. Being the main character of the bloodsucking team, she can absorb life from the enemy, healing herself without the need of healers, besides being a very necessary anti-cure in certain early stages of the game.
- Aura: A great mono-target character capable of removing advantages on targets with her attacks and increasing their stats, obtaining an increase in critical damage and critical chance when doing so.
- Momon: He is the main core of a squad dedicated to adventurers and pursuers. He has elemental penetration and once he eliminates a target, his ability to kill is chained thanks to his EX ability. With his basic attack he is able to reduce cooldowns making him a very useful chaser.
Tier A:
- Cocytus: Central character in the bleeding team, he is irreplaceable, being able to resist great damage while having high damage, being able to cause continuous bleeding to opponents and counterattack. The more bleeding, the more damage it will do.
- Mare: Mage with high explosive damage and disadvantages on enemies. Useful if we don’t have Evileye but with notable defensive deficiencies.
- Pandora’s Actor: Although his stats are not great, his unique mechanic allows him to get a lot of bonuses in healing and damage, being an indispensable character when it comes to increase the capabilities of our team through stat boosts.
- Aura Ego [Seeker]: A good unit for specific moments, being able to tank and stun the entire opposing team.
Tier B:
- Gazef: All-rounder character capable of doing a little bit of everything but nothing that stands out. It is a character based on counterattacks and his low speed is one of his biggest drawbacks.
- Demiurge: High damage mage based on leaving burns to his opponents constantly, along with area attacks and stuns. Its main problem is that it is a character that takes a long time to show results, having to advance it too much to be useful in the main stages of the game.
Tier C:
- Sebas: It is not particularly fair to this unit as it has a great damage to a single target, possibly the highest in the game, but the difficulty of getting to squeeze this damage, requiring a specific composition, and its lack in the rest of utilities leave him far behind to make it a direct target from the start.
This tier list is indicative and as explained above, depending on the situation and progress certain characters may vary their usefulness. From Gacha Go!, we remind you that the main goal of a game is fun. Although the goal may be relevant for competitive players, the choice of characters should also be based on personal experience and enjoyment of the game.